First of all, thank you Lisa for sharing your birthday with me! I haven't done the "River Walk" in well over a year - absolutely gorgeous this time of year. Unfortunately, the gentlemen asleep on the park benches made me realize it's not something I'd feel comfortable doing without a buddy. I had a great day - hope your birthday was wonderful for you....
Alright, I'll take us back here with questions to our childhood in light of the kids' getting the attention with school beginning.....
1. What toys did you play with as a child and do you still have any of them?
2. What was your favorite cartoon character as a child?
They're telling us the weather is due to change, rain's coming in. Enjoy the crisp mornings of September as long as you can-
Happy (day late) birthday, Lisa!
1. I played with He-Man, GI Joes, swords, Cars, etc. I was a complete tom boy. But, then again, I also grew up on a farm, so being a tom boy was kind of a given. I don't have any of my toys from growing up.
2. My favorite cartoon character was Pluto. I had this little Pluto stuffed animal that I carried around with me everywhere. Although, don't ask me to hug Pluto at Disneyland because (as Stephie and others close to me know)I will run from anyone dressed up in a costume! Strange phobia to have, but I am terrified of anyone in costumes (including santa, frosty, the easter bunny, etc.)
I can't wait for the rain! It is just one more step closer to being my most favorite season of the year; FALL! Hello sweaters by the fire, football, leaves turning colors..... I can't wait!
1. I played with Barbies, alot, in my childhood. And, yes, a few have migrated west with me thanks to my mom! I do collect Barbies now, though, my girls look at them like "oh, man, when can I get my hands on those???"
2. I loved and still do love Scooby Doo: to watch that is; I don't collect any Scooby paraphenilia. In my 20's I liked Betty Boop. And now I like Cat In The Hat.
1. Barbies - oh the Barbie town we would create! (my sister and I). I also loved My Little Ponies and Transformers.
2. Mikey Mouse
Ditto Michele's response - and...
1. We used to play a lot of pretend "school" (go figure...). We had our class lists of our favorite named students who earned A+ and those with goofy names who were failing. We had permission slips, lunch counts, etc..... It was our favorite thing...
2. We also used to love Superfriends - particularly the Wonder Twins (also a shocker, huh?). I think Jetsons and Richie Rich were cartoons we really liked but didn't often get to watch. Anybody remember the Monchichi cartoon?
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