One thing I absolutely adore about my husband is his delight in playing with our kids. It has become a nightly tradition to participate in "Daddy time" in which John, Brayden and Mikayla scamper around the house shrieking in delight. This could be due to: hide and seek, being chased, throws in the air or onto the bed - or in subdued occassions - puting together puzzles or in this picture's case - Super Scrabble. I was so excited when Brayden asked if he could play it - and Daddy said, "absolutely". Daddy helped Brayden put together some of his words, but Brayden certainly worked on the spelling and adding up the points. It was so rewarding to watch. So, "Yeah to Daddy Time" - and while they actively participate - "Yeah, to Mommy Personal Time!"
Yeah, I think the delight in watching my husband play with my kids and the delight I take in having a break are just about equal...Thank God for CandyLand (not quite ready for Scrabble) and $1 night at Baskin Robbins!
Brayden, I am so proud of you!!! Now, you have to start playing with Daddy, Aunt Chele, and Travie one of these days!
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