Today was a very big day for me. It was a very big day for both of the kids. And, I am so tired.
We bravely attempted to host a little girls party, a little boys party, and for those trick or treating in our neighborhood, a chili feed. With the help of some dear friends and Michele, the parties went really well. Especially the boys.... - watching those little guys dunk their full heads into a tub of water to go for apples was such a sight. This is the time I find myself especially thankful for my childrens' choice of friends. Sensitive, sweet, supportive, encouraging, innocent - I'm just so thankful for this circle of kiddos that have surrounded my kids. I know their friends will change, but for now, I'm feeling really good.
So, tomorrow officially starts the Christmas holiday season for me. Technically, I usually wait until Veterans' Day to pull out the music - and the decorating begins the week of Thanksgiving, but it's all fair game now to think about. In years past, I couldn't wait for this day - this year, I've been so in love with this previous season of fall, I'm sad to see it go. But, only a little.... SO much fun to look forward to....and by the way, in proof of how things are changing, Accuweather shows a possibility of snow by next week - yes, here. Get ready, get set, let's go!
(A little picture commentary: girls - making Halloween sugar cookies, one of Brayden's friends bobbing for an apple, Brayden and Mikayla in costume - Darth Vader and Tinkerbell, and John and Sydney as Darth Vader)
Sooo cute! I am so glad you had a good day. How'd you keep your sanity with not one, not two, but THREE parties???? You go girl. Did John serve up Velencia Mochas?
So keep us posted about your Holiday Season. You are a true inspiration to enjoy the moment, and since, you know, I am trying to follow your coziness, I need all the guidance I can get!
You're so encouraging Hollie - I miss you! And, the key to the kids' parties was limiting them to an hour. It was just a perfect length of time. If you ever want to host a Halloween kids' party, I have some pretty cute gimmick ideas that can't really be repeated, so let me know and I'll pass them on.
By the way, what were you doing up at 1:31 am? Pregnancy insomnia?
No kidding!!! I am so tired (no pun intended) of this insomnia thing. If it isn't Espen kicking, me needing to pee or get a drink, it is Pete snoring! Then, I know the late night/early morning TV schedule, so I am like "hmmmm it is 1:00am, re-runs of Third Watch are on" (my absolute lifetime favorite show....ode to you, Lisa) Or now I even watch at 3am reruns of Walker Texas Ranger. ugh! I gotta get our DVR in our room.
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