Today was a very big day for me. It was a very big day for both of the kids. And, I am so tired.
We bravely attempted to host a little girls party, a little boys party, and for those trick or treating in our neighborhood, a chili feed. With the help of some dear friends and Michele, the parties went really well. Especially the boys.... - watching those little guys dunk their full heads into a tub of water to go for apples was such a sight. This is the time I find myself especially thankful for my childrens' choice of friends. Sensitive, sweet, supportive, encouraging, innocent - I'm just so thankful for this circle of kiddos that have surrounded my kids. I know their friends will change, but for now, I'm feeling really good.
So, tomorrow officially starts the Christmas holiday season for me. Technically, I usually wait until Veterans' Day to pull out the music - and the decorating begins the week of Thanksgiving, but it's all fair game now to think about. In years past, I couldn't wait for this day - this year, I've been so in love with this previous season of fall, I'm sad to see it go. But, only a little.... SO much fun to look forward to....and by the way, in proof of how things are changing, Accuweather shows a possibility of snow by next week - yes, here. Get ready, get set, let's go!
(A little picture commentary: girls - making Halloween sugar cookies, one of Brayden's friends bobbing for an apple, Brayden and Mikayla in costume - Darth Vader and Tinkerbell, and John and Sydney as Darth Vader)