Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday Night Fun

 How could you stay away from a face like this?

Or this?

Or this?

Well, we for sure couldn't and can't....and using the fact that Michael had yet to see and hold Whitley, we got a chance to visit the Whites again on Friday night.

Travis is scrolling through all of the pictures he's taken of Whitley on his Iphone for Michael and Michele to see.

These girls are SO enamored with their new "little sister".  

LOVE this baby girl.....we all do.

Postscript:  A few more pics from Michele's phone taken when we first arrived.  Heather had been on dinner duty for that night, so we all had to wait our turn as she was the one who had rightfully earned the opportunity to cuddle Whitley that night. =)



Neha said...

This little one is an absolute darling! Higs to her!

Neha said...

Oops...hugs! :)