Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just Enough Time to Stress

I have about 10 minutes before I pick Mikayla up from school - and today I am dreading it. I have to break the news to her that I will NOT be attending her field trip tomorrow, despite committing to it - and also tell the teacher. I feel VERY FLAKY and am nearly to the point of tears for letting Mikayla down.

However, here's why. The teacher that I've been exclusively subbing for has a daughter who is currently in the hospital and apparently beginning labor. We had talked about me taking over for her class for 5 days, but it was unclear exactly when (babies are unpredictable that way....). No matter what, I knew the timing was going to stink - but I care about the kids in that class as well as the teacher so much, that I was willing to go with it, whenever it happened.

So, at this point, I'm trying to look at the positives. For Mikayla, this means a guaranteed trip to get a pedicure together - as this very thing happened last year and I promised I'd earmark that particular half day of teaching I'd be doing's wages (instead of her field trip) for an even better joint adventure together. Hopefully, that will appease her.

There was a huge list of parents that wanted to help on the field trip and somehow I made the cut - so hopefully another parent that had REALLY wanted to go will now be able to.

This is happening now instead of the beginning of next week. If I begin tomorrow, that should mean that next Tuesday is my last day. This is good because on Wednesday, Julie and four of her "Surfing the Nations" buddies are coming to stay with us for 2-3 nights - and on Thursday we host a potentially large gathering of college-age folks for a Pumpkin Carving Party. Both require a bit of cleaning, cooking, and set-up ahead of time, which would have been UBER-STRESSFUL if I'd been working 8-4 the day of. (Not to mention freeing up the days when Julie's here to be able to actually spend time with her).

So, there you go. Field trip canceled, date with a friend on Thursday canceled, Brayden's day off on Friday not being spent with me.....sigh.....it's all a matter of balance, right?!

Thanks for helping me process through my stress....now it's time to face the music with my daughter and Mrs. Fitzgerald.....


StephieAnne said...

As a postscript, Mikayla and Mrs. Fitzgerald were both exceedingly understanding....

I think it's all going to turn out ok. I feel better now - thanks for letting me vent!

sara said...

you are so funny! I had no doubt Mikayla would understand even though disappointed. You are modeling to her how we walk a life in Christ..by looking outside our selves and toward others!

StephieAnne said...

So, around 3:10, after all of this went down...

Got an email from the teacher that said it was "false labor" and her daughter was being sent home. Ha!!!

So, we'll see if I do indeed get a day off tomorrow, but I didn't re-volunteer for the field trip, just in case. (Plus, when all is said and done, Mikayla admitted she'd rather have a pedicure with me than have me on the field trip....I think she totally worked me!)