Finally, the day had finally arrived for Miss Sarah Lilly to marry Mr. John Robinson. Despite the ongoing gray weather (at least it didn't dump with rain), it was a splendid day for a wedding.
One of the great things about having a nice camera, is that ushers are willing to give you good seats at the wedding so that you can capture the best images. John was actually asked to be the photographer for this couple, but that idea petrified both of us - way too much pressure to have that burden of preserving the best day of a couples' life in pictures. However, he made it clear, he'd be more than happy to take as many "bonus" pictures as he could. Sadly, we ended up leaving the flash equipment at home in Eugene, but that also just meant he should stick with his newest lens which absorbs the most light - and has a tendency to "over-soften". All of these pictures (at least at the point I'm typing this) are from our camera, so that will explain why some might appear a bit blurry or dark.
As we were about a half hour early, we worked to keep Brayden occupied by having him take our picture repeatedly.

This is John, the groom - awaiting his gorgeous bride - love that look of expectation.

Isnt' she radiant?!

The ceremony was beautiful and kept humorous by Sarah's hometown pastor - ready to instill levity with stories of their courtship.

Recognize that grin? Yes, Kaela was one of the bridesmaids.

There was beautiful stained glass throughout the sanctuary, and at the end of the final prayer for the couple, when I opened my eyes, bright sunlight (it was kind of scary, we're a bit unfamiliar with that right now) was streaming through the glass. It might have been for just a moment, but for me, it was symbolic.

The reception was across town at a gorgeous country club. It was quite the set-up...all so very classy, which is the word most used to describe Sarah.
Isn't this cake breathtaking?

Kaela is lookin' fine here, wouldn't you say?

I LOVE these two pics of our kiddos... oh my, we are mighty blessed!

More GORGEOUS ladies - all of these women representing the Trinity House (where Sarah lived while attending the U of O). Kate, Shannon, Lauren, and my gal, Katy.

Not to be left out on the action: Walt, Ryan, Brayden, Scott, and Matt.

We TOTALLY scored on our seating arrangements - we were seated with Walt and Lauren, Ryan and Sarah and Kate.
This is Ryan and Sarah (the sister of Elaina who is in my Tuesday Night group). Every time I see Sarah, I find myself scanning her left hand to see if Ryan has popped the question yet. We're all waiting...should be any day now!

And, Lauren and Walt. They are not "Facebook Official" yet, but I anticipate that might happen now that this picture has been taken. As with Ryan and Sarah, these two are very fun - I think the world of Walt - and I look forward to getting to know Lauren more, as I really only "officially met her" a couple of weeks ago.

Another picture of me with the other gal I meet with, Becky. She is such a hero of mine, even more so as I get to know more of her story and the adversities she's faced. She'll spend her first summer out at Harlow as a senior counselor this summer, and plans to live with Kimmie next fall. Those two are kindred spirits, I already know - even though I think I know more about each of their lives than they know about each others. They have yet to have had a lot of time together and its one of those friendships I'm waiting to see explode as they have so much in common. =)

Ahhhh, it always feels so special to get one-on-one time with the bride or groom - especially at a reception this big and grandiose. Sarah is just so beautiful, inside and out.

John and John - I guess the best way to describe John, is that in recognizing just how special Sarah is - and what a treasure she'd be as a wife - John is the perfect man to be her groom.

We told Sarah that Mikayla is watching her - wanting someday to grow up and have an experience just as special as hers....

This is the two of them, showing their love for the Ducks next to John's UO Groom's Cake.

The wedding began at 5:00 - so as dinner was wrapping up around 8:30, with toasts, cake cutting, and dancing still to come, the kids were beginning to wilt (particularly Mikayla who was nearly nodding off). But, when the bride and groom look this beautiful, it was hard to pull away.

We had promised the kids a dance with each of them. To my delight, Brayden and I's slow dance turned into some fun swing as the music transitioned into vintage rock and roll classics. I know Kaela snapped a pic of Brayden and I - hopefully it semi turned out to prove I actually made it to the dance floor and not just for a slow dance. Given it had more of a swing feel to it, I felt surprisingly comfortable doing the "twist" and other similar styles out there....it's when the music turns contemporary and everybody starts jumping around - it's then that I'm a total fish out of water when it comes to dancing (and have a fear that everybody around me totally notices that too!). (Alright, here's the pic - I think it's funny that I kind of have a "dear in the headlight" look...)

A parting wide-angle shot of the ballroom where the reception was located. I had told Sarah earlier this week that prior to my own wedding, I had worried that once it was over, it would be a total let-down as never again (Lord willing) would I have another wedding day - the day a girl dreams all her life to have. But, as I told Sarah, immediately after the ceremony, I distinctly remember telling John, that "there's no sadness, as never could I possibly ever dream of recreating a day as perfect as today was". When I spoke to Sarah at the reception, she reiterated that she felt the same way. Her wedding and reception spoke volumes of just how much love there is for John and Sarah from everyone else, not to mention the extent of love of the two of them for each other.

Obviously, we weren't in attendance when this picture was taken, but Kaela shared it with me. The couple left in a Bentley (Mikayla, you were given way too many grand ideas for your future wedding...you are going to need to lower your expectations!). Kaela was able to capture this image after John breathed on the glass to draw a heart. I think it's award-worthy: