It's the third day that the kids are home sick. I was told that what we have is a highly contagious respiratory viral infection that runs its course in about 7-10 days. So, even though, during the hours from about 10am until 1pm, you'd really not guess that my kids are all that "under the weather" (outside of the nasty cough), by the afternoon they are couch-bound again and even running slight temps. Nobody is going through major suffering here, but it's actually me feeling like I need to be a responsible parent in not sending them back to school to infect everyone around them.
Yesterday, we visited both schools to see what we've been missing. Of course, Mikayla will be able to catch up with no issues, but I was starting to feel my own panic issues as we talked to Brayden's teachers. As has been the case throughout this year, he doesn't seem to be too phased, but we will be implementing a little homeschool this mid-morning. Ironically, both schools have Friday and Monday off, so I'm determined to get them back tomorrow.....and then, by God's grace - by Tuesday's next day of school....we'll all be "back to normal".
Whatever "normal" is these days....I can't believe the contrast as I'm putting our activities on my dry-erase whiteboard how wide-open and empty we are in January and February. September, October, November, December - they are all jam-packed, with practically every afternoon and weekend booked. SO not the case now. It's good, but different.
So, the goal will be to use the time wisely. To practice wise habits, keep a "joyful always" outlook, and conquer some projects that have been on the to-do list way too long. All of that requires some discipline, but honestly, after being forced to have so much cooped-up bed rest, I'm kind of looking forward to the new challenge.
One thing to be proclaimed for sure - "I get by with a little help from my friends". Yesterday, I was pretty down. The Duck's loss, still not getting past this bug, other just had me discouraged. While my human nature wanted to curl up in a ball and sulk for the night by myself, I didn't have that option as it was Bible Study night. And, what do you know, but those girls just "flipped the switch" for me in terms of changing my outlook. Now, if I can just keep the switch turned on, that will be the trick.....
That's funny- I was going to say something about your calendar last night, but people started showing up and I forgot. I actually brought my daytimer with me so I could copy our (read "Riley's") calendar activities down, and November and December were still up... I started panicking because I didn't know where I was supposed to be. :o) Love you and I hope you all are feeling better. Stephie
Travis looked it over when he picked up's pretty sad....
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