This evening, we had much of the "usual crew" joining us - sans Leona who is at an antique convention and the Whites who helped their nieces trick-or-treat (we missed all of you!). John didn't snag any pictures of the adults this time (hopefully Amy got one), but we had my parents, the Johnsons, the Meyers, and the Quigleys with us.
Here's the crew: left to right, top to bottom:
Cameron (mad scientist), Andrew (had a VERY scary clown mask that he didn't want to scare the younger kids with), Taylor (Lee Corso from GameDay), Brayden (nerd), Christina (Greek goddess), Erica (50's girl), Mikayla (vet), Adam (Spongebob), Jackson (Count Dracula), and Carter (Batman)

The girls are very outnumbered whenever the Johnson join us.

You can get a little more view of Cameron's mad scientist hairdo and Brayden's custom nerd ensemble in this view.

Sydney came along with us - she wore a Jeremiah Johnson jersey....UO Alum......and oh by the way, did you hear the news?! We are #1 in the BCS as well as all of the other major polls. First time's really quite surreal....and for the record, watching them play USC last night nearly gave me a panic attack.

Brayden came up with the idea for his outfit after goofing around in his room one evening (late summer), and coming out with about half of this outfit put together on his own (including the former 3-D glasses with duct tape). I love this kid's zest for life! (Do you like how he's hanging his candy bag from the pens in his pocket with a homemade pocket protector?)

The scariest part of Halloween? All of the leftovers with all of the calories.......these molasses cookies, the apple brie toasts, the caramel apples - and don't even get me started on the candy!

Thanks everyone for coming over, always a good time - it's no wonder why this is one of my favorite festivities of the year!