So, when the phone rang and caller ID said MEYERS I was ready to rearrange the day for Brayden to accommodate. However, when Amy said she wanted to take them fishing, and would I want to come to....I gotta admit my enthusiasm was less than stellar.
You know, sometimes in life we're faced with decisions that aren't so pleasant but that little voice inside of us says, "Make the right choice". That was today. Reluctantly, I followed Amy on over to the canals near the popular city park in Eugene, where SUPPOSEDLY, fish had just been stocked. And, then, we began the process of getting the poles ready. And then repeated that process, again and again and again. Because this picture pretty much sums up the gist of the experience:

Yes, all those tangled lines of mine that gave my dad such headaches when we went fishing growing up... I'm getting my just rewards. =)
Here's a pic of the boys that attended. They really were great kids, but given there wasn't one bite, they ended up wading in the water, skipping rocks, and climbing trees. (On a side note, I believe Brayden has conquered his fear of heights as he climbed way up a tree....Harlow Rock Wall - watch out!)

The girls were ever-so-patient. Christina and Mikayla make such great company for each other.

Yes, that girl is just like her mommy. It takes more than a slimy worm to gross us out!