I know, a little shameless of me, given that John is the prez this year and all - and since most of my readers are women, really not that big of a draw to you all....
However, John had a big part in putting this video together, as well as the design for the marketing (posters and "business card" flyers). I think he did a phenomenal job and am VERY proud of him.
Lord-willing, this year, younger men will be attracted to this event so that the legacy can continue in ministering to men of all generations.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Double Dates
A long time ago, the last time we went to something at the Hult Center - we saw that they were going to host "Stomp". John made it clear that that was something he'd like to see, so I went ahead and got tickets for him (Fathers' Day gift) to go with Brayden as that seemed right up Brayden's alley.
Unfortunately, the timing wasn't ideal as it was last night. Fortunately, though, we got home early enough to get the things we needed to do done, so it wasn't too bad of a rush for John. Around 5, the boys set off for their date (it included Red Robin)- and that left me with Mikayla, wondering what to do with her that would resemble a date.
After much deliberation, we finally settled on a trip to the mall so she could JUST LOOK in the Build-a-Bear shop. I ended up caving to get her a "Lil-Kinz" - the smaller version of a Web-Kinz, the stuffed-animal objects of her obsessiveness as of late. We then proceeded to Johnny Oceans and shared onion rings, apple cider, and roasted S'mores at their outside courtyard dining area. (real nutritious, huh? - after gorging like I did this last weekend, it hardly made a dent....)
I think both couples came home feeling very good about their dates - I know I did. =)
Unfortunately, the timing wasn't ideal as it was last night. Fortunately, though, we got home early enough to get the things we needed to do done, so it wasn't too bad of a rush for John. Around 5, the boys set off for their date (it included Red Robin)- and that left me with Mikayla, wondering what to do with her that would resemble a date.
After much deliberation, we finally settled on a trip to the mall so she could JUST LOOK in the Build-a-Bear shop. I ended up caving to get her a "Lil-Kinz" - the smaller version of a Web-Kinz, the stuffed-animal objects of her obsessiveness as of late. We then proceeded to Johnny Oceans and shared onion rings, apple cider, and roasted S'mores at their outside courtyard dining area. (real nutritious, huh? - after gorging like I did this last weekend, it hardly made a dent....)
I think both couples came home feeling very good about their dates - I know I did. =)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Winding Down
Our Sunriver vacation is winding down. We have to check out by 11 am tomorrow, and the Meyers family left around 5 (there was a date change for this trip and they weren't able to change their work schedule). Currently, the 6 of us remaining adults are hanging out in the living room - and, believe it or not, we can't even hear the kids. They are busy doing something upstairs - continuing to have the time of their lives together.
That has been a resounding success this year - the independence and positive behavior of the kiddos. There has been no chick-drama, no arguments between the older boys, it's just been fantastic. There have also been no temper-tantrum fits. Sure, the youngest kiddos showed their age at times, but nothing over the top or inappropriate. The only thing we wished would change is the excessive mess that the ten of them create in their path - but, even that is getting better as they are now more capable of cleaning it up (as long as a parent is acting as "clean up warden").
We ran into another family at the park that we know well through our little community. He was suggesting coming over to try to get us all to play games tonight. I responded that "I Don't Do Games" (it reminds me of the HSM2 song "I Don't Dance"). This is not to say I haven't played my share of games in the past, I'm not capable, I despise having fun, or I won't ever play games - but, for the most part, a book will win out on a vacation like this. I'll let Michele play with the guys and I'll work on my blog or whatever. (This does not include video games - I can really get into those...) This friend was aghast and saw it as a challenge to change me until John interceded and basically told him it wasn't worth the effort. The big joke with John and I is that I played tons of games with him before we were dating - cards, Monopoly, Pictionary - you name it. But, once we got married, I figured I'd snagged him, and I no longer felt it necessary. =) Same with new friends or ministry events - I'm capable and generally have fun, but, like I said, am more content reading my book.
That is the great thing about this trip. Now that we've all done this for four years in a row, we've all kind of learned enough about each other to know what to expect. If you want to play games - look to Dennis, Mark, John, and Michele. If you want to go to the hot tub, Michele and I will almost always tag along. If you want meals prepared - I'm on it, but rarely will I ever load a dishwasher. Michael is very comfortable hanging out upstairs relaxing with the tv (anyone welcome to join him...), but he'll emerge with a bang as the "Kid Monster" ready to snatch up and tickle any unsuspecting victim. This year, the Saturday was spent on a bow-hunting hike in LaPine with Mark, Michael, and Andrew (next year, Traig will be included)- obviously, that's not something I'm jumping for. In essence, we all know that we've spent good money on this trip and I think this weekend has been an excellent representation of how well we've all respected each other's attempts to make the very best of having fun and relaxing in our own unique ways.
As this friend of ours recanted his tale of game-playing with another family who were also here that are actually neighbors of ours - complete with hysterics over old 8-track tapes and game-playing antics, I was happy for him that they all had such a great time - but, also, so very thankful that I was with who I was this weekend.
Now, on to some more pictures......

That has been a resounding success this year - the independence and positive behavior of the kiddos. There has been no chick-drama, no arguments between the older boys, it's just been fantastic. There have also been no temper-tantrum fits. Sure, the youngest kiddos showed their age at times, but nothing over the top or inappropriate. The only thing we wished would change is the excessive mess that the ten of them create in their path - but, even that is getting better as they are now more capable of cleaning it up (as long as a parent is acting as "clean up warden").
We ran into another family at the park that we know well through our little community. He was suggesting coming over to try to get us all to play games tonight. I responded that "I Don't Do Games" (it reminds me of the HSM2 song "I Don't Dance"). This is not to say I haven't played my share of games in the past, I'm not capable, I despise having fun, or I won't ever play games - but, for the most part, a book will win out on a vacation like this. I'll let Michele play with the guys and I'll work on my blog or whatever. (This does not include video games - I can really get into those...) This friend was aghast and saw it as a challenge to change me until John interceded and basically told him it wasn't worth the effort. The big joke with John and I is that I played tons of games with him before we were dating - cards, Monopoly, Pictionary - you name it. But, once we got married, I figured I'd snagged him, and I no longer felt it necessary. =) Same with new friends or ministry events - I'm capable and generally have fun, but, like I said, am more content reading my book.
That is the great thing about this trip. Now that we've all done this for four years in a row, we've all kind of learned enough about each other to know what to expect. If you want to play games - look to Dennis, Mark, John, and Michele. If you want to go to the hot tub, Michele and I will almost always tag along. If you want meals prepared - I'm on it, but rarely will I ever load a dishwasher. Michael is very comfortable hanging out upstairs relaxing with the tv (anyone welcome to join him...), but he'll emerge with a bang as the "Kid Monster" ready to snatch up and tickle any unsuspecting victim. This year, the Saturday was spent on a bow-hunting hike in LaPine with Mark, Michael, and Andrew (next year, Traig will be included)- obviously, that's not something I'm jumping for. In essence, we all know that we've spent good money on this trip and I think this weekend has been an excellent representation of how well we've all respected each other's attempts to make the very best of having fun and relaxing in our own unique ways.
As this friend of ours recanted his tale of game-playing with another family who were also here that are actually neighbors of ours - complete with hysterics over old 8-track tapes and game-playing antics, I was happy for him that they all had such a great time - but, also, so very thankful that I was with who I was this weekend.
Now, on to some more pictures......

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not much to report here from Sunriver. Lots of doing what we planned to do - laying around, watching tv, eating, hot tub visits, kids riding bikes around the cul-de-sac, eating, a little laundry, preparing vast amounts of food yesterday, watching "27 Dresses" - and oh yeah, more eating.... (the 10 dozen cookies are already gone).
We did have a little excitement yesterday afternoon as a major thunderstorm passed through. We didn't get to witness any dramatic lightening, but saw the flashes and heard the (very loud) tell-tale rumble. And, then, the hail came. The kids ran around and played in it while John captured a little more artistic shot.
As for today, once the coconut french toast has settled in a bit for all of us, we'll probably brave the weather and attempt a group bike ride before the return of the predicted late afternoon thunderstorm. While we miss being able to sit outside and enjoy our meals on the patio - or the fun of playing baseball back at the park - there's something to be said for just staying inside and allowing everyone to chill and relax in their own way. Currently, that means Dennis, Mark, John, and Michele playing Scrabble, Lisa watching Fox News, Amy, working on her computer, Michael, currently MIA, and the kids running around with lots of giggles and enthusiasm. As for myself, I might just cuddle up on this couch for a while - and perhaps just close my eyes for a bit.......
Friday, May 23, 2008
Chocolate Chip Cookies, Headstone Visits, and Childhood Stories
So, obviously, based on yesterday's post- it was a very emotional morning for me. I chilled out by around 10 and I was able to compose myself. It was very encouraging for me to listen to K-LOVE and hear all of the call-ins and feel like I wasn't alone in my grief for the Chapman family.
Of course, making about 10 dozen chocolate chip cookies helped a bit too. I ate cookie dough a-plenty yesterday..... We ended up delivering some cookies to John's work and hopefully made the guys'day a little sweeter. =)
Given the weekend ahead, I thought it might be a good idea to take the kiddos to visit my grandparents' headstones. I have to confess, we've never done that yet - however, on the other hand, I'm not one to subscribe to feeling closer to them by being nearly their "earthly remains" than lying in my bed remembering them. It was enlightening for the kids. They admitted that a cemetery isn't nearly as scary as the way "Scooby Doo" makes it seem. Despite having to keep Brayden from running as he checked out the headstones, dates, and relationships inscribed in stone, I felt like it was a positive experience, overall.
Later last night, while we were packing near my bookshelf, Mikayla found a journal that I had used to write cute things and milestones that the kids did when they were much younger. I actually feel a lot of guilt that I didn't record more, but, was pleasantly surprised upon reading, there were many things that I had completely forgotten that had us all laughing. Particularly Brayden as much of it was about funny things he said. He begged for me to keep reading and even asked if we could take it on the way to Sunriver and read it in the car. Sorry, buddy, I really didn't record that much.....
Certainly, the family laughter and unity was the perfect healing to an emotionally trying day.
On a final note, I want to point out that in regards to the Chapman tragedy, the one thing that Steven has repeatedly pointed out that God has placed on his heart over the last year - and that he wanted to reflect in his latest album - was to cherish every moment. That is the theme of the "Cinderella" song ("cuz all too soon the clock will strike midnight and she'll be gone" - oh man, does that line choke you up or what?). It's reflected throughout his album and I can't imagine a greater gift God could have impressed upon his life now that we see the outcome. Let us all heed that advice - I'm really trying........
Of course, making about 10 dozen chocolate chip cookies helped a bit too. I ate cookie dough a-plenty yesterday..... We ended up delivering some cookies to John's work and hopefully made the guys'day a little sweeter. =)
Given the weekend ahead, I thought it might be a good idea to take the kiddos to visit my grandparents' headstones. I have to confess, we've never done that yet - however, on the other hand, I'm not one to subscribe to feeling closer to them by being nearly their "earthly remains" than lying in my bed remembering them. It was enlightening for the kids. They admitted that a cemetery isn't nearly as scary as the way "Scooby Doo" makes it seem. Despite having to keep Brayden from running as he checked out the headstones, dates, and relationships inscribed in stone, I felt like it was a positive experience, overall.
Later last night, while we were packing near my bookshelf, Mikayla found a journal that I had used to write cute things and milestones that the kids did when they were much younger. I actually feel a lot of guilt that I didn't record more, but, was pleasantly surprised upon reading, there were many things that I had completely forgotten that had us all laughing. Particularly Brayden as much of it was about funny things he said. He begged for me to keep reading and even asked if we could take it on the way to Sunriver and read it in the car. Sorry, buddy, I really didn't record that much.....
Certainly, the family laughter and unity was the perfect healing to an emotionally trying day.
On a final note, I want to point out that in regards to the Chapman tragedy, the one thing that Steven has repeatedly pointed out that God has placed on his heart over the last year - and that he wanted to reflect in his latest album - was to cherish every moment. That is the theme of the "Cinderella" song ("cuz all too soon the clock will strike midnight and she'll be gone" - oh man, does that line choke you up or what?). It's reflected throughout his album and I can't imagine a greater gift God could have impressed upon his life now that we see the outcome. Let us all heed that advice - I'm really trying........
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I was debating whether or not to post this, but I can't even think about it without tearing up again - so with that in mind, and knowledge that all of our prayers have strength - I wanted to address this.
The following article -
speaks of how Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter was just killed yesterday due to the accident in which her teenage older brother backed out of their driveway in an SUV and hit her. I can't fathom the pain that that family is feeling - and how their son will ever be able to cope with the weight of such a horrendous tragedy. John and I have sat in a press room with Steven Curtis Chapman - five feet away - have avidly followed all of his amazing albums, and more than anything else, have admired that man's dedication to his faith, his family - and has come off as absolutely genuine.
Knowing his most recent hit has been CINDERELLA, the song I've posted about previously and my daughter sings whenever she hears it - and knowing it was probably penned with his little Maria as his inspiration (she just graduated form pre-school) - I just can't even begin to say how heart wrenching this is. Fortunately, they can rest in the peace that they will all be re-united again, but for the here and now, I pray for the excruciating moments they must endure......
I just found this link - it will give you a glimpse of what this girl was like..... have the kleenex nearby.
The following article -
speaks of how Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter was just killed yesterday due to the accident in which her teenage older brother backed out of their driveway in an SUV and hit her. I can't fathom the pain that that family is feeling - and how their son will ever be able to cope with the weight of such a horrendous tragedy. John and I have sat in a press room with Steven Curtis Chapman - five feet away - have avidly followed all of his amazing albums, and more than anything else, have admired that man's dedication to his faith, his family - and has come off as absolutely genuine.
Knowing his most recent hit has been CINDERELLA, the song I've posted about previously and my daughter sings whenever she hears it - and knowing it was probably penned with his little Maria as his inspiration (she just graduated form pre-school) - I just can't even begin to say how heart wrenching this is. Fortunately, they can rest in the peace that they will all be re-united again, but for the here and now, I pray for the excruciating moments they must endure......
I just found this link - it will give you a glimpse of what this girl was like..... have the kleenex nearby.
I Can't Believe It, David Won!
I sure hope this isn't a spoiler for anyone - if it is, stop reading now.
John and I had a bonding time this evening staying up and watching the American Idol finale. Because of the graduation, our timeline was roughly the same in watching it as regular west coast, except we got to speed through the commercials - and get to the point of the announcement of who won - only to have the name revealed - and then - NOTHING! The DVR had stopped recording. (I think I've mentioned this before, but we get East Coast feeds, so we're always watching shows 3 hours early). I glanced at the clock, realized it was 9:58, and wait, yes - if we flip to live TV, oh, there you go, we are now five minutes back in time and able to watch the last 15 minutes live. Confusing, I know, but I've managed to put a paragraph in here without revealing who won, so it wouldn't be accidentally viewed by unknowing readers. All's to say - we really got lucky.
OK, now I have to admit - I was surprised - and with that being said, very, very happy for David Cook. I've been rooting for him for a while. I think David Archuleta is amazing, adorable, and I am actually surprised I wasn't sold out in support of him. But, something about him already winning Star Search - and, well, I don't know - David Cook just won me over. His music isn't even my style, but he just comes across so humble, so genuine - so true to himself. And, I do think he's incredibly talented. Then, of course, there's the whole brother with brain cancer thing, and how he never used that - but, was so obviously affected by it. Somehow, the fact that this wasn't his lifetime dream, and you never got the feeling that his ultimate goal was to win the thing, just made his victory that more sublime.
As for the last ten minutes (that we nearly missed) those tears that were already surfacing for the kindergarten graduation- they came back again. So touching - especially when they panned into his brother. I also have to give "props" to Simon for an excellent pre-announcement pep talk - a rare humbling moment for him.
For our birthday, John was able to get pre-sale tickets for the American Idol tour at the Rose Garden. It will just be John, Michael, Michele and myself - and after watching tonight, gotta say, I think it will be one of my favorite presents.....
John and I had a bonding time this evening staying up and watching the American Idol finale. Because of the graduation, our timeline was roughly the same in watching it as regular west coast, except we got to speed through the commercials - and get to the point of the announcement of who won - only to have the name revealed - and then - NOTHING! The DVR had stopped recording. (I think I've mentioned this before, but we get East Coast feeds, so we're always watching shows 3 hours early). I glanced at the clock, realized it was 9:58, and wait, yes - if we flip to live TV, oh, there you go, we are now five minutes back in time and able to watch the last 15 minutes live. Confusing, I know, but I've managed to put a paragraph in here without revealing who won, so it wouldn't be accidentally viewed by unknowing readers. All's to say - we really got lucky.
OK, now I have to admit - I was surprised - and with that being said, very, very happy for David Cook. I've been rooting for him for a while. I think David Archuleta is amazing, adorable, and I am actually surprised I wasn't sold out in support of him. But, something about him already winning Star Search - and, well, I don't know - David Cook just won me over. His music isn't even my style, but he just comes across so humble, so genuine - so true to himself. And, I do think he's incredibly talented. Then, of course, there's the whole brother with brain cancer thing, and how he never used that - but, was so obviously affected by it. Somehow, the fact that this wasn't his lifetime dream, and you never got the feeling that his ultimate goal was to win the thing, just made his victory that more sublime.
As for the last ten minutes (that we nearly missed) those tears that were already surfacing for the kindergarten graduation- they came back again. So touching - especially when they panned into his brother. I also have to give "props" to Simon for an excellent pre-announcement pep talk - a rare humbling moment for him.
For our birthday, John was able to get pre-sale tickets for the American Idol tour at the Rose Garden. It will just be John, Michael, Michele and myself - and after watching tonight, gotta say, I think it will be one of my favorite presents.....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Kindergarten Graduation
When Mikayla's teacher told me the date of their kindergarten graduation, I was relieved that we wouldn't be gone and we would be able to make it. However, it didn't really register as much more than a blip on my calendar until I picked Mikayla up and saw the VERY SPECIAL scrapbook that her teacher had put together and personalized with an abundance of pictures and personal information for each child. It was then that it dawned on me that tonite's event might end up being a little more sentimental than I anticipated.
When we arrived at the church, we noticed kleenex boxes at the end of each of the pew. There was a reason for that. Because, just as soon as the "Pomp and Circumstance" graduation theme song started playing, I knew I was in for it. In walked one of Mikayla's best friends, in a cap and gown - and then there was my daughter - looking absolutely beautiful - and it wasn't hard to add twelve more years and see the future. Wow....
It was such a sweet little ceremony. The teacher had something special to say for each of the kids. For Mikayla: "She likes Legos the most and at home plays most with her Webkinz. She wants to get married, be a teacher and then have two kids. After she has her kids, she wants to stay home and just be a mom - (and yes, the teacher said, "just like her mom"). She wants to live on the same street as her mommy and daddy so she can be next to them - and wants to spend her free time playing with her kids." Oh, so precious.... and so very much like what I would have said when I was her age.
Currently, she's laying on my lap, fighting back tears as she misses her friends from school already. Sadly, only one out of the nine will be attending the same school as her next year, and he's a boy (and not her "Nathan B."). They have a VBS coming up at the church in July, so hopefully she'll get a second chance with some of them then.
Interestingly, the decision to have Mikayla continue through Norkenzie's kindergarten was not part of our original plan. We were planning on signing her up at Gilham, just like Brayden, but then one of "those" conversations happened that made me think twice. I was in the office making the last payment (I thought) for her 4 year old's class and the director of the school did just enough describing of the kindergarten program - and there you go. John and I talked, and the new decision was made. I can't tell you how many times we have rejoiced over that decision. I love it when God just moves you. There have been absolutely no regrets, and after tonight's program, I find myself just wishing that the impossible would happen and Norkenzie would all of a sudden open up classes for 1st through 12th grade. Not that I have a problem with Gilham, but it's just such a special place....

This is the school director, Miss Kathy - perhaps she is whispering to Mikayla, "I'm the one that talked your parents into having you stay here...."

Since Brayden didn't get to have an official graduation from kindergarten, we thought we'd let him try the hat on for size....

Sometimes I think Mikayla looks more like their kid than ours....

This is Mikayla's teacher - Mrs. Graham
When we arrived at the church, we noticed kleenex boxes at the end of each of the pew. There was a reason for that. Because, just as soon as the "Pomp and Circumstance" graduation theme song started playing, I knew I was in for it. In walked one of Mikayla's best friends, in a cap and gown - and then there was my daughter - looking absolutely beautiful - and it wasn't hard to add twelve more years and see the future. Wow....
It was such a sweet little ceremony. The teacher had something special to say for each of the kids. For Mikayla: "She likes Legos the most and at home plays most with her Webkinz. She wants to get married, be a teacher and then have two kids. After she has her kids, she wants to stay home and just be a mom - (and yes, the teacher said, "just like her mom"). She wants to live on the same street as her mommy and daddy so she can be next to them - and wants to spend her free time playing with her kids." Oh, so precious.... and so very much like what I would have said when I was her age.
Currently, she's laying on my lap, fighting back tears as she misses her friends from school already. Sadly, only one out of the nine will be attending the same school as her next year, and he's a boy (and not her "Nathan B."). They have a VBS coming up at the church in July, so hopefully she'll get a second chance with some of them then.
Interestingly, the decision to have Mikayla continue through Norkenzie's kindergarten was not part of our original plan. We were planning on signing her up at Gilham, just like Brayden, but then one of "those" conversations happened that made me think twice. I was in the office making the last payment (I thought) for her 4 year old's class and the director of the school did just enough describing of the kindergarten program - and there you go. John and I talked, and the new decision was made. I can't tell you how many times we have rejoiced over that decision. I love it when God just moves you. There have been absolutely no regrets, and after tonight's program, I find myself just wishing that the impossible would happen and Norkenzie would all of a sudden open up classes for 1st through 12th grade. Not that I have a problem with Gilham, but it's just such a special place....
This is the school director, Miss Kathy - perhaps she is whispering to Mikayla, "I'm the one that talked your parents into having you stay here...."
Since Brayden didn't get to have an official graduation from kindergarten, we thought we'd let him try the hat on for size....
Sometimes I think Mikayla looks more like their kid than ours....
This is Mikayla's teacher - Mrs. Graham
In the Boxing Ring
Now, I bet a bunch of you might think I'm referring to American Idol's rather cheesy promo attempts at the David face-off.... I'm not, but just for the sake of asking, who's your pick and who do you think will win?
Nope, John and I had our own boxing match last night. I write this for anyone out there that thinks we never have sharp words with each other, etc..... I'm proud of our marriage and our relationship, but John and I both admit that we are both very selfish beings and that inevitably leads to the occasional blow-up.
From the beginning of our marriage, we've enforced some psuedo-rules to our arguments. I wouldn't say they are so much rules as they are "markers" for who's to win. If we flat-out say lies, curse, use hyperbole exaggerations - it's then clear that that person is in the wrong, so essentially, the other person has "scored" despite the validity of the original argument. Sounds silly, I know, but I suppose John and I have both heard enough sermons and lessons that we "know better" than to let the heat of the moment and pain of emotions to destroy each other too much.
However, a lot can be said within those parameters that still very much hurts. I am not a confrontational person (many of these blog readers are nodding their heads saying, "amen"), but with John, it's not a struggle. Actually, it is a struggle for me to get "this thing off my chest" in such a way as to gently encourage him and not wound him. But, then that selfishness enters in - and I disregard the second half of that above sentence.
I didn't realize until the end of our "fight" last night - that part of the reason I was frustrated with John was my inability to teach Brayden the concept I was struggling with in my spouse. I was tired of saying the same thing over and over to Brayden - not seeing improvements, so I displaced that to my husband and took a few "oversights" and blew them out of proportion. The fight ended last night when I actually called Brayden into the room with tears in my eyes and a shaky voice and told him that I desperately need him to "step up". I think that's what he needed - to see that his actions (or lack of) do have ramifications on this family over the long run, and a simple grin accompanied by a sheepish "I'm sorry" needs to turn into an honest attempt at trying harder. (And, lest you think I broke his "Otter-spirit" he was just playfully bonking me with his Duck mini pillow - and actually managed to whack me on the back of the neck right at the source of this week's many headaches - which I was finally getting control of. Headache is now already back - but I'll take it if it means I have a boy that is smiling and also very positive this morning....)
Throughout the argument, Mikayla sat near me on the couch while I faced John on the other couch. She got to hear all of it. Now, I can imagine this being an alarming thing to some of my readers, but I can't say I regret that. First of all, it keeps John and I appropriate in our words. If we upset Mikayla with our words or tone, we've gone beyond "discussing to find a solution" and hit mean and nasty. Secondly, Mikayla recognizes that disagreements are part of relationships. It may not be fun to witness (and she could have left anytime), but it's life. We explained to her in the midst of it that things were okay. We told her what this sort of fight could look like for other families and how we are very careful to not use words that would damage each other. Finally, it made her realize how very upsetting listening to arguing can be - and I turned it right around to how much it hurts me to listen to her and Brayden argue.
At one point, when John was bringing up the last time I "dumped on him" and I challenged how long ago that really was, she came in with a piece of paper for each of us that said, I RMBR A TIME (I remember a time). Apparently, it was Mikayla's way of exposing truth to us. When we stopped and asked her, she said she remembered when we argued at Sunriver back at Christmas time. I was pleased that was nearly 6 months ago and she could understand that that is a long time between arguments and shouldn't worry about us. It was a very "Mother Mikayla" thing to do though, quite precious.
So, there you go. Certainly no winner to last night's bout. John and I both went to bed with heavy hearts and hurt feelings, but also woke up to a renewed understanding and desire to to work on the areas that we are struggling in, with the Lord's help.
As we will be heading to Sunriver on Friday with three other families, hopefully, this allowed us to get our "junk" out of our system and therefore enjoy the vacation without tension with each other. If not, we'll do our best to "fight fair" and be better for it in the long run.....
Nope, John and I had our own boxing match last night. I write this for anyone out there that thinks we never have sharp words with each other, etc..... I'm proud of our marriage and our relationship, but John and I both admit that we are both very selfish beings and that inevitably leads to the occasional blow-up.
From the beginning of our marriage, we've enforced some psuedo-rules to our arguments. I wouldn't say they are so much rules as they are "markers" for who's to win. If we flat-out say lies, curse, use hyperbole exaggerations - it's then clear that that person is in the wrong, so essentially, the other person has "scored" despite the validity of the original argument. Sounds silly, I know, but I suppose John and I have both heard enough sermons and lessons that we "know better" than to let the heat of the moment and pain of emotions to destroy each other too much.
However, a lot can be said within those parameters that still very much hurts. I am not a confrontational person (many of these blog readers are nodding their heads saying, "amen"), but with John, it's not a struggle. Actually, it is a struggle for me to get "this thing off my chest" in such a way as to gently encourage him and not wound him. But, then that selfishness enters in - and I disregard the second half of that above sentence.
I didn't realize until the end of our "fight" last night - that part of the reason I was frustrated with John was my inability to teach Brayden the concept I was struggling with in my spouse. I was tired of saying the same thing over and over to Brayden - not seeing improvements, so I displaced that to my husband and took a few "oversights" and blew them out of proportion. The fight ended last night when I actually called Brayden into the room with tears in my eyes and a shaky voice and told him that I desperately need him to "step up". I think that's what he needed - to see that his actions (or lack of) do have ramifications on this family over the long run, and a simple grin accompanied by a sheepish "I'm sorry" needs to turn into an honest attempt at trying harder. (And, lest you think I broke his "Otter-spirit" he was just playfully bonking me with his Duck mini pillow - and actually managed to whack me on the back of the neck right at the source of this week's many headaches - which I was finally getting control of. Headache is now already back - but I'll take it if it means I have a boy that is smiling and also very positive this morning....)
Throughout the argument, Mikayla sat near me on the couch while I faced John on the other couch. She got to hear all of it. Now, I can imagine this being an alarming thing to some of my readers, but I can't say I regret that. First of all, it keeps John and I appropriate in our words. If we upset Mikayla with our words or tone, we've gone beyond "discussing to find a solution" and hit mean and nasty. Secondly, Mikayla recognizes that disagreements are part of relationships. It may not be fun to witness (and she could have left anytime), but it's life. We explained to her in the midst of it that things were okay. We told her what this sort of fight could look like for other families and how we are very careful to not use words that would damage each other. Finally, it made her realize how very upsetting listening to arguing can be - and I turned it right around to how much it hurts me to listen to her and Brayden argue.
At one point, when John was bringing up the last time I "dumped on him" and I challenged how long ago that really was, she came in with a piece of paper for each of us that said, I RMBR A TIME (I remember a time). Apparently, it was Mikayla's way of exposing truth to us. When we stopped and asked her, she said she remembered when we argued at Sunriver back at Christmas time. I was pleased that was nearly 6 months ago and she could understand that that is a long time between arguments and shouldn't worry about us. It was a very "Mother Mikayla" thing to do though, quite precious.
So, there you go. Certainly no winner to last night's bout. John and I both went to bed with heavy hearts and hurt feelings, but also woke up to a renewed understanding and desire to to work on the areas that we are struggling in, with the Lord's help.
As we will be heading to Sunriver on Friday with three other families, hopefully, this allowed us to get our "junk" out of our system and therefore enjoy the vacation without tension with each other. If not, we'll do our best to "fight fair" and be better for it in the long run.....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Duck Update

For those of you keeping up with our "fowl visitors" I wanted to let you know that they are still around.
We were a little concerned when we didn't see them for a couple of days, then Beatrice showed up solo on Saturday. Then we wondered if our chemical-laden waterfall killed off Bernard and she was showing up to pay her last respects at the place they spent their last day together - but, Sunday he decided to show up as well. We were having fun coming up with reasons why he was not by his woman's side for Saturday......
Today they are both out front, enjoying the rain. Such a fun little addition to our neighborhood......
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Gettin' to Know Ya'
This was sent to me from Jodi last week. I am going to put it up on my blog without any of the "forwarded arrows" and any of my answers first, and then put up my version with answers included next, so you can cut and paste the first section to send to your friends and keep the fun going.......
Welcome to the 2008 edition of 'Get to know your friends! Hit forward, change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to your friends including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. Last movie you saw.
4. What are your favorite TV Show's?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What is your middle name?
7. What food do you dislike?
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
9. What kind of car do you drive?
10. Favorite sandwich?
11. What characteristic do you despise?
12. Favorite item of clothing?
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14. Favorite brand of clothing?
15. Where would you retire to?
16. Favorite birthday?
17. Favorite sport to watch?
18. Furthest place you are sending this?
19. Which Sex and the City character are you?
22. Are you a morning person or a night person?
23. What is your shoe size?
24. Pets?
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
27. How are you today?
28. What is your favorite candy?
29. What is your favorite flower?
30. What day are you looking forward to?
33. What are you listening to right now?
34. What was the last thing you ate?
35. Do you wish on stars?
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
37. How is the weather right now?
38. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
39. Favorite soft drink?
40. Favorite restaurant?
41. Hair color?
42. What was your favorite toy as a child?
43. Summer or winter?
44. Hugs or kisses?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
46. Coffee or tea?
47. Do you want your friends to email you back?
48. What is under your bed?
49. What did you do last night?
51. What are you afraid of?
52. Salty or sweet?
53. How many keys on your key ring?
54. How many years at your current job?
55. Favorite day of the week?
56. How many towns have you lived in?
57. Do you make friends easily?
1. What time did you get up this morning?
6:25 AM - HABIT...
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. Last movie you saw?
4. What are your favorite TV Show's?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What is your middle name?
7. What food do you dislike?
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
9. What kind of car do you drive?
10. Favorite sandwich?
11. What characteristic do you despise?
12. Favorite item of clothing?
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14. Favorite brand of clothing?
15. Where would you retire to?
16. Favorite birthday?
17. Favorite sport to watch?
18. Furthest place you are sending this?
19. Which Sex and the City character are you?
22. Are you a morning person or a night person?
23. What is your shoe size?
24. Pets?
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
27. How are you today?
28. What is your favorite candy?
29. What is your favorite flower?
30. What day are you looking forward to?
33. What are you listening to right now?
34. What was the last thing you ate?
35. Do you wish on stars?
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
37. How is the weather right now?
38. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
39. Favorite soft drink?
40. Favorite restaurant?
41. Hair color?
42. What was your favorite toy as a child?
43. Summer or winter?
44. Hugs or kisses?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
46. Coffee or tea?
47. Do you want your friends to email you back?
48. What is under your bed?
49. What did you do last night?
51. What are you afraid of?
52. Salty or sweet?
53. How many keys on your key ring?
54. How many years at your current job?
55. Favorite day of the week?
56. How many towns have you lived in?
57. Do you make friends easily?
Welcome to the 2008 edition of 'Get to know your friends! Hit forward, change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to your friends including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. Last movie you saw.
4. What are your favorite TV Show's?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What is your middle name?
7. What food do you dislike?
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
9. What kind of car do you drive?
10. Favorite sandwich?
11. What characteristic do you despise?
12. Favorite item of clothing?
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14. Favorite brand of clothing?
15. Where would you retire to?
16. Favorite birthday?
17. Favorite sport to watch?
18. Furthest place you are sending this?
19. Which Sex and the City character are you?
22. Are you a morning person or a night person?
23. What is your shoe size?
24. Pets?
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
27. How are you today?
28. What is your favorite candy?
29. What is your favorite flower?
30. What day are you looking forward to?
33. What are you listening to right now?
34. What was the last thing you ate?
35. Do you wish on stars?
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
37. How is the weather right now?
38. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
39. Favorite soft drink?
40. Favorite restaurant?
41. Hair color?
42. What was your favorite toy as a child?
43. Summer or winter?
44. Hugs or kisses?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
46. Coffee or tea?
47. Do you want your friends to email you back?
48. What is under your bed?
49. What did you do last night?
51. What are you afraid of?
52. Salty or sweet?
53. How many keys on your key ring?
54. How many years at your current job?
55. Favorite day of the week?
56. How many towns have you lived in?
57. Do you make friends easily?
1. What time did you get up this morning?
6:25 AM - HABIT...
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. Last movie you saw?
4. What are your favorite TV Show's?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What is your middle name?
7. What food do you dislike?
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
9. What kind of car do you drive?
10. Favorite sandwich?
11. What characteristic do you despise?
12. Favorite item of clothing?
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14. Favorite brand of clothing?
15. Where would you retire to?
16. Favorite birthday?
17. Favorite sport to watch?
18. Furthest place you are sending this?
19. Which Sex and the City character are you?
22. Are you a morning person or a night person?
23. What is your shoe size?
24. Pets?
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
27. How are you today?
28. What is your favorite candy?
29. What is your favorite flower?
30. What day are you looking forward to?
33. What are you listening to right now?
34. What was the last thing you ate?
35. Do you wish on stars?
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
37. How is the weather right now?
38. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
39. Favorite soft drink?
40. Favorite restaurant?
41. Hair color?
42. What was your favorite toy as a child?
43. Summer or winter?
44. Hugs or kisses?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
46. Coffee or tea?
47. Do you want your friends to email you back?
48. What is under your bed?
49. What did you do last night?
51. What are you afraid of?
52. Salty or sweet?
53. How many keys on your key ring?
54. How many years at your current job?
55. Favorite day of the week?
56. How many towns have you lived in?
57. Do you make friends easily?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Hit It!
When I say that expression, I'm not just referring to getting the boat started to pull you up skiing/wakeboarding - I'm also saying, let's get summer started too! - Hit it!
I think the weather forecaster's temperature prediction I read for today was for 83 degrees. I saw 96 on the thermometers in John's car and here at the house. Brayden said that he thought the weather forecaster's did what he often does, "just rushed through it" when they were making their predictions. Whatever the case, we weren't complaining as it was the PERFECT day for our 2008 inaugural boat trip.
This week has been a little tense in anticipation of this fact. Particularly last night when there was concern of whether or not the boat would even start. It's been harbored safely in our garage all winter, but the one thing John didn't do was disconnect the batteries - so, off he and Travis went to Joe's to replace them. But, those new batteries did the trick - and by 9am this morning, we were off to Cottage Grove Lake. When we arrived, it was a watersports lover's dream - maybe two other boats and lots and lots of glass. I anticipated very cold water, but even that wasn't too big of a deal, once you got in.
We took lots and lots of pictures - we won't be taking John's camera out every time, so we wanted to get some great shots of the whole experience to last. Brayden was "up" first - and sure enough - he was "up". We were all so excited for him - it's just fun to have him have something he can feel like he is really good at and be proud of himself with. Later on, he went out again, and kept going and going. Way to go, little dude. Of course, Travis did great - note the one shot of him way up there, but uh oh, the rope is out of his hands. Yes, the next shot caught that crash.
I was thrilled with my turn, that it was just as easy as I remembered - hopefully this summer I can find a way to do more than just cross the wake and do little hops. I did manage to switch directions with the board, but that was purely by accident and followed up with a fall. As much as I love this sport, I do have to be smart with my desire to do bigger and better things - crashes are not easy on the ol' neck - even Travis was commenting today about getting a water-helmet for himself. While that would probably be a really smart idea - it's more the whiplash when you land hard that I worry about. I think my new motto is: It's much better to fall because I choose to "woose out" rather than fall because I "wipe out".
Other pictures in this post include John looking especially hot on the wakeboard, as well as looking hot laying out and driving the boat. (What a good-looking man I married!). I thought the pictures of Mikayla on the inflatable were precious, particularly the one of her looking at her little foot - as well as the pic of Stephanie singing "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" with the kids at the bow of the boat.
All in all, we couldn't have asked for more. I'm so ready for summer.....

I think the weather forecaster's temperature prediction I read for today was for 83 degrees. I saw 96 on the thermometers in John's car and here at the house. Brayden said that he thought the weather forecaster's did what he often does, "just rushed through it" when they were making their predictions. Whatever the case, we weren't complaining as it was the PERFECT day for our 2008 inaugural boat trip.
This week has been a little tense in anticipation of this fact. Particularly last night when there was concern of whether or not the boat would even start. It's been harbored safely in our garage all winter, but the one thing John didn't do was disconnect the batteries - so, off he and Travis went to Joe's to replace them. But, those new batteries did the trick - and by 9am this morning, we were off to Cottage Grove Lake. When we arrived, it was a watersports lover's dream - maybe two other boats and lots and lots of glass. I anticipated very cold water, but even that wasn't too big of a deal, once you got in.
We took lots and lots of pictures - we won't be taking John's camera out every time, so we wanted to get some great shots of the whole experience to last. Brayden was "up" first - and sure enough - he was "up". We were all so excited for him - it's just fun to have him have something he can feel like he is really good at and be proud of himself with. Later on, he went out again, and kept going and going. Way to go, little dude. Of course, Travis did great - note the one shot of him way up there, but uh oh, the rope is out of his hands. Yes, the next shot caught that crash.
I was thrilled with my turn, that it was just as easy as I remembered - hopefully this summer I can find a way to do more than just cross the wake and do little hops. I did manage to switch directions with the board, but that was purely by accident and followed up with a fall. As much as I love this sport, I do have to be smart with my desire to do bigger and better things - crashes are not easy on the ol' neck - even Travis was commenting today about getting a water-helmet for himself. While that would probably be a really smart idea - it's more the whiplash when you land hard that I worry about. I think my new motto is: It's much better to fall because I choose to "woose out" rather than fall because I "wipe out".
Other pictures in this post include John looking especially hot on the wakeboard, as well as looking hot laying out and driving the boat. (What a good-looking man I married!). I thought the pictures of Mikayla on the inflatable were precious, particularly the one of her looking at her little foot - as well as the pic of Stephanie singing "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" with the kids at the bow of the boat.
All in all, we couldn't have asked for more. I'm so ready for summer.....

Thursday, May 15, 2008
If This Doesn't Choke You Up.....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
"Official" Home of the Ducks

Yes, indeed, I do believe it can now be said that we are the "official home of the ducks".
Meet "Bernard and Beatrice" (those are my unofficial names, there hasn't been a family vote or anything). These two mallard ducks first appeared sitting in our front lawns yesterday morning. I was shocked when I walked out the door and saw them. We live near some "city lakes" where there are lots of waterfowl, but not in anyway close where they'd just go from there and hang out here. But, that didn't stop these two. They chose OUR HOUSE to hang out and I couldn't be giddier! I was late helping in Brayden's class as I was determined to get some great pictures. I didn't need to worry.
Because, even as I drove off and they walked away, later yesterday afternoon, they came back (home...)! And ended up hunkering down until late in the evening. John was able to see them, the kids were able to see them - and of course, the resident photographer went a shooting.....(yes, the animal-friendly kind of shooting).
Speaking of animal-friendly, my only main concern is that a couple of weeks ago I poured too much algae cleaner in our waterfall and it is still sporting the bubbles created from that chemical. As the ducks are doing a little drinking from there, I hope we aren't making them sick. I'm trying to make up for it by feeding them a half loaf of bread......
I'll keep you posted if they come back today. If not, it was a treasure to host our guests - even for a day. I love wildlife and to see this male and female, hanging together, him always in a position of protecting her - it is absolutely priceless. (btw, just for reference, in birds and a lot of wildlife, the male is most often the flashier/prettier coloring). Go Ducks!
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