Monday, January 21, 2008

A Couple of Questions 97

Martin Luther King Day - at our house that means kids that stayed up near midnight, because Michele and the cousins didn't arrive until after 8pm and they had to make up for lost time. Today will be lots of Wii playing, book-reading, bill paying, and as little exposure to the sub-freezing temperatures as possible.

1. How are you doing with 2008 so far? How's January treating you - any success stories of new ambitions for the year that you feel like sharing?

2. How can I be praying for you?


StephieAnne said...

1. You know, it's been "okay" so far. I feel a little "disengaged, removed, detached" whatever the right adjective is for just not feeling like yourself and going through the motions. I felt that was especially the case when I was among the women on Saturday night and just feeling a little bit like a spectator vs. active participant (purely my own issues - this had nothing to do with anybody else - just me.....). HOWEVER, I'm very thankful that I haven't been anxious or depressed, or suffering from funky physical maladies......

2. Immediate requests would be for John who is suffering from some sort of strained back muscle that is causing him a lot of pain and keeping him from being active again which he really wants to be doing - as well as for him spiritually in terms of making decisions about a roll that he could be taking on with our church.

Jodi said...

1. Okay. There's been a tad too much drama for my taste, but I have enjoyed my kids, am in love with my husband more everyday, and have had some good times with friends. I'm a tad too cold and would like it to get above 20, but such is life.
2. Forgiveness and reconciliation, to let go and to move on and for the relationship to be the same as before.

HollieHobbie said...

1. I had no expectations for 2008, so so far I do not feel like a failure with not keeping up with goals and resolutions. But 2008 has begun with alot of pensiveness and questionning, so maybe like you but for different reasons I have felt like an outsider looking in too. Good way to put it!

2. We are heading to Cancun in a couple of weeks. Pray especially for safety and my anxiety to lessen since I am leaving kids behind! Thanks Steph!

Colie said...

1. Fine. I'm grateful for many things but I really want my routine back. We got back from Montana and then kids got sick. So, we've been stuck at home. I'm ready to get out of our house! I love the sunshine though. Even though it hurts to go outside!

2. Pray that I can be organized and flexible throughout our days. So kids can be content and I can feel productive. Thanks Steph!