Sunday, July 29, 2007

Boys' Round-Up 2007

Location: Camp Tadmor, outside of Lebanon, Oregon
Attendees: Michael & Traig, Mark & Andrew, John & Brayden and hundreds of other father/son combinations
End of Experience Evaluation: The best camp ever, "I can't wait for next year!"

Indeed, many changes were made from the two previous years that shifted the focus from speaking time to experience time. Apparently, four college age students got together and brainstormed for a weekend to determine what would best minister to a bunch of boys and their dads. God blessed their efforts because it was an incredible weekend indeed....... Here's pictures that John took while he was there with some descriptions of what was happening:

Free time in the game room - I love this game....

Fishing with his brand new pole - John has unbelievable fortune in scoring free things or the "best experiences" - this is another one of those scenarios. My boys had forgotten their fishing poles so the first night, it was announced, "first two boys without a fishing pole to get to the stage get a free one" - Brayden raced down and scored the #2 pole. That's my boy!

This is a pic taken on the flatbed of a truck on the way out to the wilderness Saturday morning - it was a long ride, but the kids LOVED it

Once they reached their destination, the boys were blindfolded and led by their fathers on a "faith walk". This is a picture of Michael and Traig.

This is the view that they were met with when they reached the top- looking out over Green Peter Reservoir - awe-inspiring

My boys.....After the boys were blindfolded, it was the dads' turn to be blindfolded, they were guided down quite a narrow path to reach the highest point at Tadmor. John realized that communication was absolutely essential, and Brayden trusted John more than John trusted Brayden.......

This is the guys teaming together at a ropes course, you can see Mark at the left having helped Brayden and Michael and Traig to the far right

Getting ready to go home - the boys wished they could ride that way the whole way........

I'm so glad they were able to report an amazing time. They also made walking sticks, did carving and branding on them, as well as swam, the shooting range and other fun, outdoorsy things. The experiences spoke so much louder than words-


StephieAnne said...

If you are interested in going next year, which all of the guys here would highly recommend - here is the web address to look for info and next year's dates:

Stephietoo said...

Sounds like they all had a blast! What a great way to have some father/son bonding time. Brayden, maybe you and I should go fishing one of these days; I love fishing!