Friday, January 08, 2010

Thankful It's Friday?

I suppose this week is what should have been expected - but the transition back to reality is never easy. None of us have gotten enough sleep, nobody has been happy about waking up early, and not nearly enough has gotten done.

However, the interior of the house has returned to its pre-Harvest decor, and that is a big accomplishment towards embracing January vs. living in the glory days of Christmas past!

Last night was a festive time with the Whites, watching the BCS Championship game (poor Colt McCoy, but the testimony of his post-game interview, wow! What an impact he made for Christ!). It also involved some lively discussion regarding each person's expectations for Orlando - which of course, are all different. (We're already in agreement to pray for family harmony for this vacation!) In the midst of all this, I spent a lot of time on the computer, and reading - all with my neck not in its prime position. Not good.

I woke up feeling like the bridge of my nose had been punched hard. Not good. That meant canceling my volunteer time at the school and sleeping instead. For a long time, actually. Some how after about two hours of being awake, the pain morphed into a different location. By the time I'd finished some bare minimum grocery shopping, I was nauseous, my knees were shaking, and I was thankful I was able to pick up the kids at just the right time on the way home. They were troopers, unpacking the groceries, while I hightailed it to the couch. I ended up with three blankets and an icepack on my neck - and my hands were still chilled. I love the temperature fluctuations when this sort of thing hits. Clearly, the body doesn't really enjoy the strain of these sorts of events, so it does it's own special little thing. (On the way home from the grocery store, I'd stripped out of my jacket with cold air on full blast). So, now, a semi-nap and a bath later, I'm feeling semi-normal - however still quite concerned with doing anything stupid with my neck.

However, through all of this, I find myself still thankful for the life I have. I read Heather's post today - wow, so well written. Very impactful. Then, reading that Sara is having to say good-bye to her daughter leaving for college again, oh yeah, that's not an easy way to spend the day. I also received a phone call today detailing some reconciliation taking place to folks that I care a lot about that has been fervently prayed for. What a praise.

So, just as Colt McCoy praised the Lord despite the fact that he was taken out just five plays into the biggest collegiate game there is, I praise God for the way he works. Even when it involves a little pain.

So, that was my Friday. How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. Steph, I hope you are feeling better today! thanks for that link to Heather's, it was a great post. and as I am up and already moaning and complaining about my daughter leaving, it has given me a lot to think thankful I am to even have a daughter that I can grateful I am that we can provide her with an education.....

    gratitude will be my word today!


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