Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mikayla's MRI

Tomorrow at 8am Mikayla will be having a "non-sedated" MRI done. When she was 2 months old we discovered one of her cheeks looked larger than the other - almost as if she was sucking on a gumball. After seeing the pediatrician, we were directed to a plastic surgeon (he'd have the best idea of facial deformities), and finally when no other answers were ascertained, we took a trip up to OHSU. Bottom line, they were worried that the "unknown mass" in her cheek could perhaps be muscle cancer. It seemed unlikely, but the surgeons up there were very close to cutting her face open to do a biopsy. In the 11th hour, we received a phone call telling us that after reviewing the films again (x-rays and sedated MRI's) they were fairly confident it was benign and is just an anomoly (that anomoly thing has turned into a pattern for our kiddos!). However, they wanted us to keep an eye on it, and when she was old enough to have an MRI without being sedated - to have more film taken.

Fast forward 5 years, and here we are. The cheek issue is no longer noticable, she's grown into it as expected, but still as a precaution, we need to follow through. Personally, I think the mass is a result of coming out of me at breakneck speed, when my cervix was still only measuring about 8 cm. So, alls to say, I am not worried about the results of this little procedure, but instead worried about how Mikayla will handle it. Right now, she's excited and pumped up about listening to her favorite music while people take pictures of her face inside a tunnel.....but, I'm not so sure that enthusiasm will last when she gets a look at what that tunnel really looks like.

So, if you think about it, pray for my little girl tomorrow - that she would be fearless. Supposedly, she has to lie still as a statue for 30 minutes, so perhaps you can pray just for a miracle......


teedub said...

First - Chele (and the rest of the family) - Travis and I are so sorry to hear about the news. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Second - K-Bear will do great tomorrow. No worries, Stephie. Call me if you need to talk to someone at anytime before, during, or after the MRI (or any other time, too) :o)~ Things will be great. She is so like her mommie, where she likes to do things by the rules, that I think she will be as still as a mouse, listen to her music, and wait for it to be over.

I will be thinking about you Stephie; and Kay-Kay - I will be praying that the pictures come out good, and that the music is everything you hoped it would be! Love, Stephietoo

StephieAnne said...

I gotta say, I've had a poopy afternoon - particularly after finding out an IV needs to be administered to Mikayla (for a contrast film) - which I KNOW will blow the whole fun "camera in the tunnel facade" we had going.

But, I got to hand it to "Ellen" - her show can bring a smile to the most sour of faces. She cracks me up - and gosh, I needed that today........

HollieHobbie said...

you all will be in our prayers! You guys have such an incredible testimony, and the incredible attitude that goes with it. You guys are awesome! And there is no fluff in that statement; I mean it.